What is a valid Singapore driving licence?

In Singapore, you need to possess a valid Singapore Driving Licence to drive or ride a motor vehicle on the roads. The driving licence will indicate which class of vehicle you are able to drive or ride.

This applies to:

  • All Singaporean Citizens
  • All Permanent Residents
  • Foreigners residing in Singapore for more than 12 months
  • Foreigners residing in Singapore for less than 12 months and are employed as drivers holding Work Permits or S-Pass

If you fall into any one of the above categories and possess a valid foreign driving licence, you are required to convert your licence to a valid Singapore Driving Licence.

Please visit SPF website for more information on Traffic Matters: https://www.police.gov.sg/Advisories/Traffic/Traffic-Matters

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last updated on 31 Jan 2023

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